Anti-Bias And Inclusion Help Everyone Achieve

We offer 3 types of services to build inclusive spaces where everyone can grow and thrive.  Contact us to see how we can be of service.


Our Approach: Working Through Bias and Blame

As babies we learn through feedback from others. These early messages about self and others become internalized as part of one’s sense of self. Internalized bias influences self-esteem and how people interact with others because of those early negative messages. People who have internalized negative messages generally feel unsuccessful and overwhelmed by the tasks of life. Self-doubt holds them back from fully engaging with others. They may be pessimistic about new ideas and look for ways to escape unfamiliar situations. Internalized bias may also manifest as aggression, blaming others, or a negative attitude.

Using methodologies drawn from more than twenty years of experience, we work with people to identify these internalized biases and help work through them in a cooperative format. The heart of what we do is altruistic intent, our starting place is that everyone wants to communicate and relate to each other effectively and cooperatively.



"This presentation was informative and engaging."

“This is my second workshop with you. I want to let you know how much I appreciate your depth of knowledge in both presentations, your preparedness and your respectful attitude that invites engagement.”

"The interactive feature associated with this presentation was wonderful!"

"Wow! Where to start? This was an amazing presentation. It was my favorite ethics CEU that I have attended... Anyta was very knowledgeable and approached topics with grace and understanding. As a white woman, I loved hearing that my hesitation to bring up race comes from a cultural idea that bringing up race is taboo. It helped me understand myself and gave me permission to be more open in discussing race in the future. I also love the idea of providing subtle clues in the therapy setting to show that I am working in a racially safe space."

"It is a tough topic and I am grateful for the opportunity to continue to work on my issues around race. Thank you!"